AI Impact: Transforming the Future Across Fields

Who Are We?

The Lilly Leadership Institute is a transformative three-year program designed to cultivate exceptional leaders from among Miami University's computing, engineering, and other tech related majors. Through a blend of mentorship from industry professionals and hands-on project experiences, participants develop the essential skills and mindsets to excel as leaders in their chosen fields. The program fosters strategic thinking, collaborative partnerships, effective communication, and the ability to devise innovative solutions to society's most pressing challenges. Cohort 11 of the Lilly Leadership Institute has been focusing on change management for incorporating generative AI into organizations to enhance productivity and impact.

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What is Embrace AI?

The students in Cohort 11 of the Lilly Leadership Institute at Miami University have been researching generative AI technology on organizations and professionals to find the most effective strategies for navigating an AI driven future. Cohort 11 has met with industry professionals, analyzed reports from leading consultants, and assembled a collection of resources for maximizing an organization's capability with generative AI technologies. In addition to discussing the use cases of generative AI, Cohort 11 has also addressed some of the key challenges such as security, sustainability, and historic data bias. Throughout this website you will find a variety of resources including interviews, articles, and information from our Embrace AI Conference.
